Macrogastra badia (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) in Zieleniec (Bystrzyckie Mts, Central Sudetes) – ecology, conservation status and life history – preliminary data
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Museum of Natural History, Wrocław University, Poland
Submission date: 2009-04-01
Acceptance date: 2009-05-27
Publication date: 2020-05-28
Folia Malacol. 2009;17(2):53-62
Information on the distribution on the Alpine M. badia in Poland dates from the 1960s and was not verified subsequently. A new locality was discovered in 2003 (Bystrzyckie Mts, Zieleniec near Duszniki-Zdrój); it forms a part of a group of isolated, Polish and Czech localities on the border of the species' distribution range. In the discussed part of the range the species is threatened by habitat destruction and climatic changes. It is legally protected in Poland but preserving its populations requires habitat protection. The preferred habitatis herb-rich beech forest, and cool and humid climate is crucial for the species' survival. The compositionof the accompanying malacofauna varies among the sites which is probably associated with their origin. M. badia is oviparous; in May and June it produces batches of 1–3 eggs. The eggs are partly calcified, 1.39–1.61 in major and 1.32–1.45 mm in minor diameter. The incubation period is 16–19 days; the hatching is asynchronous; the juveniles reach adult size in 7–8 months. Some data on shell variation are provided; the number of apertural folds varies more widely than formerly believed.
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