A new Pleistocene Valvata species from Lake Beyşehir and two new Gyraulus species from Lake Eğirdir (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Valvatidae, Planorbidae) in Turkey
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Biodiversity Research Laboratory, Hetlingen, Germany
Laboratorio di Malacologia Applicata, Milan, Italy
Submission date: 2012-07-21
Final revision date: 2012-10-03
Acceptance date: 2012-10-26
Publication date: 2020-04-02
Folia Malacol. 2013;21(1):25-31
Recently collected samples from lakes Beyşehir and Eğirdir in Turkey contained one new Pleistocene Valvata which we describe here as †Valvata beysehirensis n. sp. In addition we found two new species of Gyraulus, named G. egirdirensis n. sp. and G. taseviensis n. sp. These species are compared with members of the genera Valvata and Gyraulus known so far from Turkey.
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