1. New zoological taxa
New zoological taxa at family-group level or below introduced by the papers published in
Folia Malacologica are registered in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (ZooBank)
http://www.zoobank.org. New taxa are registered by the Publisher once the paper has been accepted for publication by the Editor-in-Chief.
For new species descriptions an integrative taxonomic approach is strongly recommended with the combination of morphological, anatomical and genetic information. Moreover systematic, phylogenetic, ecologic, or biogeographic context should be discussed. Description of a new species based on the morphological features of the shell should be avoided, except for fossil specimens or descriptions based on detailed morphometric analysis. The editors reserve the right of final decision in this regard.
2. Geographic coordinates
It is strongly recommended to list geographical coordinates as taken from GPS or online georeferencer. Geographical coordinates for the locality data should consist of a point represented by coordinate information in the form of latitude and longitude listed consistently throughout the manuscript in one of the possible forms: (i) Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS) rounded off to the nearest second (52°27'57''N, 16°55'23''E), (ii) Decimal Degrees (DD) rounded off to four decimal places (52.4658°N, 16.9230°E), (iii) Degrees Decimal Minutes (DDM) rounded off to two decimal places (52°27.95N, 16°55.38'E).
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