Contribution to the biology of Hippeutis complanatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae): life cycle in Silesian woodland ponds (Southern Poland)
In spite of the common occurrence of Hippeutis complanatus (L.) in some regions of Poland, it is considered to be a rare species with scattered sites. A study on its life cycle and shell growth in various conditions was possible due to the existence of very abundant populations in several woodland ponds of Silesia. The snails breed twice in a lifetime, and two generations reproduce in one year. The main breeding period is July/August. Some individuals breed also in the
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Differences in stable isotope compositions of freshwater snails from surface sediments of two Polish shallow lakes Karina Apolinarska, Mariusz Pełechaty, Daria Noskowiak Limnologica
The “Minor Water Bodies” and Their Malacofauna: Are Freshwater Gastropod Communities Usable for Habitat Classification? Evgeny Babushkin, Svetlana Andreeva, Ivan Nekhaev, Maxim Vinarski Water
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