The experiment on adult Roman snails (Helix pomatia L.) and their offspring showed a positive correlation between the mean egg size and the parent body size. There was no correlation between the parent size and the number of eggs. A trade-off between the egg size and the clutch size was observed. The body size of juveniles at early growth stages was correlated with the parent size; later (offspring aged 2 and 3 months) there was no such correlation, suggesting maternal effect. The results are relevant to estimating the reproductive success and offspring survival rate at early stages.
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Responses of Leptinaria unilamellata (Gastropoda: Subulinidae) to Novel Micro-Environmental Conditions: Shift in Shell Morphology and the Balance between Protection against Desiccation and Reproductive Success Raquel Resende, Simone Cardoso, Sthefane D'ávila Zoological Science
Observations on Growth Rates and Maturity in an Introduced Population of the Roman Snail (Helix pomatiaLinnaeus, 1758) at a Semi-Natural Site with no Natural Population Maciej Ligaszewski, Przemysław Pol, Iwona Radkowska Malacologia
Reproduction of the Roman snail (Helix pomatia L.) from a local natural population in farm conditions and in a natural habitat Maciej Ligaszewski, Przemysław Pol Annals of Animal Science
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